My Week Away 3

On Tuesday I got up 15 mins before breakfast and hurried to get ready. We all left a little bit late but breakfast wasn’t served yet so we were in the clear. The hot food we got was small pancakes but I only ate 2 because I was so nervous. Mrs Christensen gave everyone instructions on where they had to go, as today was Tuesday, the day of camp where we had to do heaps of work. My friends all went off to their respective groups and classes while I packed my bag. Mum and dad were a little bit late so I asked my friend’s mum to call them. Just as it finished ringing they pulled into the driveway.

We drove back to the freeway and drove north, heading towards the city. We got to the city and continued north. We found the orthodontist, following my dads iPad directions. We went inside and I thought it was pretty fancy. There were 4 tables along one wall and 3 play stations/ Xboxes and there were 15 nice comfy chairs spaced around, in groups of 3. That was just the waiting room. It was weird for an orthodontist. We only had to wait for about 10 mins and they called me up. We walked down a small hallway and into a large open room with 3 dentist chairs along one wall, all different colours, one orange, one blue, one yellow. Along the opposing wall there was a counter and behind that, a large wall of dentisty things in drawers and cabinets. There were different other things spaced around the room but they were the main ones.  I was told to go to the blue chair, the one in the middle.

I sat in the chair and a lady immediately got to work cleaning my teeth with this weird green paste, that tasted absolutely horrible. It was rinsed off and I was given a mouthwash to clean the taste out a little bit. The dentist chair had a small sink attached to the light post thingimebob. I spat into that and laid back down. Another lady came over and they explained to me that the brackets for my braces are in a mouth guard type thing and all they had to do was press it onto my teeth. They dried off my teeth, applied a dot of glue to them all and stuck the mouth guard on. It was held in place for a minute and pulled off. Then the process was repeated with my bottom teeth.

They gave me a small break in which I ducked off to the toilet because I really needed to go. There was a mirror in there and I checked out my new silver wear.

When I returned to the chair they gave me a little palette with about 25 different colours on it. This was the coloured band that would hold the archwire on my brackets. I picked teal after a quick scan. It was the best colour there, I thought. They ran me through what was going to happen then, attaching the archwire to my brackets and securing them in place. That was finished in 15 mins and then we had to wait for the dentist to come and check before I was to be let go. He decided to add two more brackets to my very back teeth on my bottom jaw. They ran me through foods I could and couldn’t eat and how and when to brush my teeth. Then I was freed. It only took about an hour for the whole thing.

We drove back to the camp and I was dropped off, just in time for lunch. We had pizza and everyone kept saying to me ‘smile’ every time they saw me. We did boring work after that until afternoon tea. Until them my braces hadn’t hurt at all. The only problem was that I wasn’t used to them and kept getting my lips caught on them whenever I opened my mouth. But when I bit into a cake of some description a throbbing pain went through my mouth and and didn’t stop until 5 days later. 😫😫

Tuesday night was uneventful but we did go into the games room and play ping pong. My friends all refused so I went with Sophie and we played with the boys in our class. Oh actually one funny thing happened. A GATE student had been in Kalbarri for the recent holidays and I had seen him a few times, coming into the bakery, where I work. I was versing him in ping pong and he stops and goes ‘when did you get your braces? I don’t remember you having them on in the holidays.’ I looked at him and laughed and replied today. I confused him so much and had to explain that no I missed the entire morning and I wasn’t there and I went and got them. He didn’t believe me so I had to get Sophie to back me up. It was funny.

The girls were all going to play never have I ever but we decided to get an early night as we were going to Perth Modern in the morning.


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