My Favourite Type of Book

I have a few types of books that I love. I think my favourite is fairy tales. However I don’t read just normal fairy tales. I read books that are based on fairy tales but with modern twists.

I read a series called the Lunar Chronicles with four books in the series. They are called Cinder, Scarlet, Cress and Winter. As you can guess Cinder is about Cinderella, Scarlet is about Red Riding Hood, Cress about Rapunzel and Winter about Snow White. I really love these books and would recommend them for anyone who wants to read fairy tales but not the normal ones.

I also like future books. The last book I read was ACID and it was a futuristic book. It was set in 2113 and Britain had been taken over by ACID, the most brutal police force in history, after the government fell. I really liked it because it had so much story but there was only one book. It starts with the main character, Jenna Strong, and her life, and why she is, in jail. I won’t say anything else but if you want to, read the book.

The other genre that I read a lot is fantasy. I am in the middle of reading the Waterfire Saga. Jennifer Donnelly,the author, has not finished the saga yet. It really is slowly killing me. Three of the books are finished and I have read and own all of them. The Saga is about six mermaids who have been called by the river witches to save the ocean. Sera must find all of the mermaids destined to save the oceans from falling into a war of the seas.

These books are my favourite from each genre to date. I hope you enjoyed this post.
